
Showing posts with the label Educational Toys

Educational Toys and Read Christmas Gifts That you Can buy your Littles Now and Don't Involve Screen Time

                        Kids and Mom's Lifestyle The Best Educational Toys That Don't Involve a Screen                              October 5, 2021 The best advice I could give my 10years ago self?  Don't put off shopping until December for Christmas.  Spend every moment of the Holiday Season unstressed and Mingling with those you love.  Every year I spend Christmas decorating with Grace and attending her various recitals and Church plays.  That's the fun part.  The other 85% is spent stressing over gifts and wrapping gifts and online shopping for get the point.  By the time Christmas Eve is here, I am one moody Momma.  I want to open gifts and take a long nap.  This year, I vow to be different.  Christmas shopping will be easy breezy, and I'm already Making my Amazon Cart List and Checking it Twice. Leap, Jump, and Land with a smile on your little one's face by purchasing these affordable and educational steals now. All found on Amazon.